Alexandra Bridge Foreshore Plan

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The Shire has prepared a Foreshore Plan for Alexandra Bridge , to be implemented incrementally over the next ten years. The purpose of the plan is to address riverbank erosion and water safety whilst also enhance and safeguarding the cultural importance and natural amenity of the foreshore.

Please review the Foreshore Plan and complete the short survey before the 9 October.

Want to know more?

A site walk will be held on Friday 4 September at 1.30pm. This walk will provide interested community members with further insight into individual elements of the plan. There will also be plenty of time available to ask questions! Please RSVP for this walk with a quick email to

The Shire has prepared a Foreshore Plan for Alexandra Bridge , to be implemented incrementally over the next ten years. The purpose of the plan is to address riverbank erosion and water safety whilst also enhance and safeguarding the cultural importance and natural amenity of the foreshore.

Please review the Foreshore Plan and complete the short survey before the 9 October.

Want to know more?

A site walk will be held on Friday 4 September at 1.30pm. This walk will provide interested community members with further insight into individual elements of the plan. There will also be plenty of time available to ask questions! Please RSVP for this walk with a quick email to

Page last updated: 25 Aug 2020, 12:18 PM