Firestone Park, Augusta

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Firestone Park Upgrades – West Bay Creek Augusta

Playground Design Selection – Blue Whale.

Thank you to over 80 of our community members who participated in the Firestone Park playground design community consultation.

57 people or 68.7% of respondents chose Option 2 – the Blue Whale to be installed at the park in West Bay Creek, Augusta.

The Blue Whale playground, accompanying swing and some nature play elements will be installed in June 2025.

The playground design and proposed infrastructure in the park at West Bay Creek are the result of the guidelines within our Public Open Space strategy and budget allocations.

Other suggestions were proposed by community members in the consultation. See the responses to community consultation feedback and ideas:

Paths and pump track

The footpath within the park will be upgraded in 2025. A bike path around the park, a pump track or skate park features were suggested by community members. A footpath in the park is being constructed in 2025. Under the Shire’s Public Open Space Strategy Firestone Park is classified as a ‘Local A’ level reserve. The infrastructure within the park must match the requirements of a ‘Local A’ reserve. in the Public Open Space Strategy. A pump track or skate park is appropriate infrastructure within this park classification.

Woodchip removal

Removal of woodchips was requested. Soft fall pine chip is going to be used for the playground as soft fall as the alternative, white sand blows away in the wind regularly, leaving insufficient soft fall as required for safety standards.

A nature playground and wooden structures (like Flinders Bay)

The play equipment has been sourced with consideration of budget, some community requests and in keeping with the theme of Augusta. In addition to the prefabricated whale and swings there will also be elements of timber and stone within the playground area as a nature play component.


Toilets are not planned currently on the Firestone Park Concept Plan. This is not something that can be fulfilled within the current project budget, but if there is sufficient community support this may be considered in the future.

Shelter and BBQs

A shelter is being installed as a part of the park upgrade with picnic table seating, however a BBQ is not included. This is not something that can be fulfilled within the current project budget, but if there is sufficient community support this may be considered in the future.

A playground in the South West corner of the Park

The proposed playground and picnic shelter will be constructed in the South West corner of Firestone Park (Abbey Lane & Meridian Street).

The Firestone Park Concept Plan, Leisure Plan and the Public Open Space Strategy can be viewed online.

Previous Engagement

Playground Design Consultation

In January 2025 local residents were asked to vote on two draft playground designs for Firestone Park. Detailed designs of the two options can be viewed below:

Option 1 - Green multiplay unit and swings

Option 2 - Blue whale and swings

The Firestone playground design survey closed on Friday, 31 January.

In 2021 the Shire worked with local residents to assist in the development of the Firestone Park Concept Plan. Community requests as a part of this consultation included a footpath, irrigation of the turf and playground installation.

We have two selected play equipment options for community voting. Both are relevant to the site and meet cost requirements. The playground design selected is planned to be installed between April and June 2025.

2021 Consultation

In 2021 we engaged local residents asking for feedback on a concept plan we had designed for Firestone Park.

Most comments were supportive, and there were some consistent themes including:

  • Footpath access to town - The footpath was recently completed - see
  • Irrigating the turf - The Shire is in discussions with the Water Corporation to request permission to utilise potable (drinking) water. We are unsure of the outcome given our drying climate. We will keep you informed of how this discussion progresses.
  • A desire for nature-based playground equipment - Letters have been sent to local residents inviting them to help choose what equipment will be installed with a $70,000 budget.

View the Concept Plan

The northern part of the path, the shelter, and playground will be installed by June 2025. Landscaping will occur in the years to come.

Keep an eye out for project updates and progress photos, which we will be posting to this page!

Firestone Park Upgrades – West Bay Creek Augusta

Playground Design Selection – Blue Whale.

Thank you to over 80 of our community members who participated in the Firestone Park playground design community consultation.

57 people or 68.7% of respondents chose Option 2 – the Blue Whale to be installed at the park in West Bay Creek, Augusta.

The Blue Whale playground, accompanying swing and some nature play elements will be installed in June 2025.

The playground design and proposed infrastructure in the park at West Bay Creek are the result of the guidelines within our Public Open Space strategy and budget allocations.

Other suggestions were proposed by community members in the consultation. See the responses to community consultation feedback and ideas:

Paths and pump track

The footpath within the park will be upgraded in 2025. A bike path around the park, a pump track or skate park features were suggested by community members. A footpath in the park is being constructed in 2025. Under the Shire’s Public Open Space Strategy Firestone Park is classified as a ‘Local A’ level reserve. The infrastructure within the park must match the requirements of a ‘Local A’ reserve. in the Public Open Space Strategy. A pump track or skate park is appropriate infrastructure within this park classification.

Woodchip removal

Removal of woodchips was requested. Soft fall pine chip is going to be used for the playground as soft fall as the alternative, white sand blows away in the wind regularly, leaving insufficient soft fall as required for safety standards.

A nature playground and wooden structures (like Flinders Bay)

The play equipment has been sourced with consideration of budget, some community requests and in keeping with the theme of Augusta. In addition to the prefabricated whale and swings there will also be elements of timber and stone within the playground area as a nature play component.


Toilets are not planned currently on the Firestone Park Concept Plan. This is not something that can be fulfilled within the current project budget, but if there is sufficient community support this may be considered in the future.

Shelter and BBQs

A shelter is being installed as a part of the park upgrade with picnic table seating, however a BBQ is not included. This is not something that can be fulfilled within the current project budget, but if there is sufficient community support this may be considered in the future.

A playground in the South West corner of the Park

The proposed playground and picnic shelter will be constructed in the South West corner of Firestone Park (Abbey Lane & Meridian Street).

The Firestone Park Concept Plan, Leisure Plan and the Public Open Space Strategy can be viewed online.

Previous Engagement

Playground Design Consultation

In January 2025 local residents were asked to vote on two draft playground designs for Firestone Park. Detailed designs of the two options can be viewed below:

Option 1 - Green multiplay unit and swings

Option 2 - Blue whale and swings

The Firestone playground design survey closed on Friday, 31 January.

In 2021 the Shire worked with local residents to assist in the development of the Firestone Park Concept Plan. Community requests as a part of this consultation included a footpath, irrigation of the turf and playground installation.

We have two selected play equipment options for community voting. Both are relevant to the site and meet cost requirements. The playground design selected is planned to be installed between April and June 2025.

2021 Consultation

In 2021 we engaged local residents asking for feedback on a concept plan we had designed for Firestone Park.

Most comments were supportive, and there were some consistent themes including:

  • Footpath access to town - The footpath was recently completed - see
  • Irrigating the turf - The Shire is in discussions with the Water Corporation to request permission to utilise potable (drinking) water. We are unsure of the outcome given our drying climate. We will keep you informed of how this discussion progresses.
  • A desire for nature-based playground equipment - Letters have been sent to local residents inviting them to help choose what equipment will be installed with a $70,000 budget.

View the Concept Plan

The northern part of the path, the shelter, and playground will be installed by June 2025. Landscaping will occur in the years to come.

Keep an eye out for project updates and progress photos, which we will be posting to this page!

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
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Page last updated: 13 Feb 2025, 03:48 PM