Local Planning Scheme No.2

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To ensure that its planning rules are current and relevant, the Shire has released an updated Local Planning Scheme No.2 for public consultation.

Local planning schemes are the rule books that guide development across the Shire. They determine the types of developments that require planning approvals and provide the criteria used to assess development proposals ranging from large scale commercial development to residential development.

Our new planning rules have been developed to align with the recently endorsed Local Planning Strategy. Our Local Planning Strategy reflects a shared vision for our Shire informed by a high level of community consultation.

A targeted mail out will occur over the coming months to notify key stakeholder groups and those who own properties directly affected by the proposed changes.

Where Can I Find More Information?

Information Sheets

To find out more about changes to the Scheme, view our information sheets addressing key topics.

Scheme Map Changes

Environmental Protection

Removing Red Tape

Supporting Agriculture

Protecting Visual Character

Digital Map

View our digital map for a side-by-side comparison between the current (No.1) and draft Local Planning Scheme (No.2).

Draft Local Planning Scheme Document

The full Draft Local Planning Scheme No.2 document is now available for public review.

How Can I Have My Say?

Consultation for the draft Local Planning Scheme closed on 28 February 2024.

Our Planning Team are currently reviewing community submissions and will present the revised Scheme to Council later this year.

For further enquiries, please contact the Shire's Planning Staff on lpsreview@amrshire.wa.gov.au

To ensure that its planning rules are current and relevant, the Shire has released an updated Local Planning Scheme No.2 for public consultation.

Local planning schemes are the rule books that guide development across the Shire. They determine the types of developments that require planning approvals and provide the criteria used to assess development proposals ranging from large scale commercial development to residential development.

Our new planning rules have been developed to align with the recently endorsed Local Planning Strategy. Our Local Planning Strategy reflects a shared vision for our Shire informed by a high level of community consultation.

A targeted mail out will occur over the coming months to notify key stakeholder groups and those who own properties directly affected by the proposed changes.

Where Can I Find More Information?

Information Sheets

To find out more about changes to the Scheme, view our information sheets addressing key topics.

Scheme Map Changes

Environmental Protection

Removing Red Tape

Supporting Agriculture

Protecting Visual Character

Digital Map

View our digital map for a side-by-side comparison between the current (No.1) and draft Local Planning Scheme (No.2).

Draft Local Planning Scheme Document

The full Draft Local Planning Scheme No.2 document is now available for public review.

How Can I Have My Say?

Consultation for the draft Local Planning Scheme closed on 28 February 2024.

Our Planning Team are currently reviewing community submissions and will present the revised Scheme to Council later this year.

For further enquiries, please contact the Shire's Planning Staff on lpsreview@amrshire.wa.gov.au

Page last updated: 28 Jun 2024, 01:58 PM