Refurb Details
When will the renovation start?
The pool closed at the end of the July 2022 school holidays, allowing for the construction start date of September 2022.
How long will the refurb take?
Works are expected to take between 12 months and 18 months, although this is dependent on the current market conditions for construction works.
What caused the structural degradation?
Since the pool opened in 1998, the aquatic facilities and other parts of the Recreation Centre have been exposed to damp and chemically laden moisture from the pool interior. Coupled with the exterior roof enduring a battering from 23 howling South West winters, the roof has deteriorated rapidly in the last two years meaning replacement now is essential.
Who is working on the refurbishment?
BYTE Construct has taken over the site as of Monday, 12 September to begin mobilising the site for construction.
What’s been happening since the pool closed in late July and handed over to BYTE Construct in September?
Staff have been busy moving the gym and group fitness facilities onto court 3. These are now set up for public use. Initial stages of demolition have commenced including the removal of non-structural items and the internal structure.
Why did you choose that Contractor?
The Shire undertook a public open tender process to appoint a Contractor for the provision of demolition and construction services for the Refurbishment.
Through a competitive publicly advertised tender process, several submissions were received and evaluated in accordance with some qualitative criteria on the best value for money basis.
Following initial shortlisting to one preferred tenderer, a range of due diligence and financial checks were undertaken to determine BYTE Construct’s suitability.
How is the project being funded?
The project is funded from several sources including a portion of Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program (LRCIP), a Department of Communities Grant for expanding the network of Changing Places, borrowings from the Western Australian Treasury Corporation, and general revenue.
Gym & Group Fitness
Will the gym still be open?
Yes, the gym continues to operate but has moved to court 3 for the duration of the works.
Will Group Fitness classes continue?
Yes, however, they have moved to court 3 for the duration of the works.
Court Sports
How will this impact on sporting groups using the Rec Centre?
The netball and basketball seasons as well as roller sports and badminton will be able to continue throughout the redevelopment on court 1 and 2, with access to all activities from the Gloucester Park car park.
Kids Club
Will Kids Club still operate during the works?
Yes, Kids Club services including Before and After School Care and Vacation Care will continue, however, they are running out of the Scout Hall near the Skate Park during the construction period.
Pool Closure
How long will the pool be closed for?
The pool closed at the end of the July 2022 school holidays, allowing construction to begin around September 2022 for approximately 12 months.
Is the pool being rebuilt?
No, the pool will remain as is, however, finishes around the pool such as floor surfaces, change rooms, and toilet facilities, as well as the windows and walls, will change.
The vinyl pool liner will be replaced as it reached the end of its useful life.
- Aquatic Memberships
Memberships were paused from 1 August 2022, until the centre reopens.
- All other Memberships (Gold, Gym/Group Fitness)
If you hold a gold, gym or group fitness membership our Team have been in touch with you soon to let you know what your options are to enable you to either continue using the relocated gym and group fitness facilities on court 3 until the refurbished Recreation Centre reopens.
What will happen to my membership?
Where do I park, now works have commenced?
Parking is available behind the Recreation Centre in Gloucester Park.
How do I get to the gym, group fitness area, and courts, now construction has commenced?
Visitors and court sports users are asked to enter from the back of the building, through the white double external doors at the rear of court 1. An interim front counter has been set up at the entrance.