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Please note survey opens 3 March 2025
Help shape our shire’s future
The last few years have seen some big changes for our shire, and it’s time for us to make sure we’re still heading in the right direction as we plan for our future.
The Shire of Augusta Margaret River is inviting the community to get involved with our 2025-2035 Strategic Community Plan, ‘Together Towards 2035’. This vital document will guide the Shire’s vision, priorities and actions over the next 10 years.
We have taken community feedback from the last few years of consultation, explored the trends we see our region facing, and set out a vision in the Discussion Paper available from 3 March on this webpage.
Please read through it and tell us – are we heading in the right direction?
Together Towards 2035 will be created with the community, for the community. Please get involved.
Please note survey opens 3 March 2025
Help shape our shire’s future
The last few years have seen some big changes for our shire, and it’s time for us to make sure we’re still heading in the right direction as we plan for our future.
The Shire of Augusta Margaret River is inviting the community to get involved with our 2025-2035 Strategic Community Plan, ‘Together Towards 2035’. This vital document will guide the Shire’s vision, priorities and actions over the next 10 years.
We have taken community feedback from the last few years of consultation, explored the trends we see our region facing, and set out a vision in the Discussion Paper available from 3 March on this webpage.
Please read through it and tell us – are we heading in the right direction?
Together Towards 2035 will be created with the community, for the community. Please get involved.