What is the Opportunities & Constraints report?

    The Flinders Bay Opportunities and Constraints Report explores the key issues and what the Masterplan may need to focus on. The report assesses current infrastructure, identifies elements which could be improved and provides options for doing so in the future. It builds on previous research undertaken by Curtin University in partnership with national Sea change task force.

    The Shire is seeking community feedback on this report, to help inform the development of the Masterplan for the area. The report is available within the document library on the consultation page.

    Why a plan for Flinders Bay?

    The purpose of this plan is to protect the special qualities of Flinders Bay, including its rich colonial heritage and it's low key coastal character. This plan sets a direction for maintenance and works on Shire managed land in Flinders Bay.

    What consultation has occurred?

    Preparation of the draft plan has come only after a comprehensive process of consultation which has included:

    • Preparation of an opportunities and constraints document in early 2016. This provided the opportunity to consult with residents about the nature of the existing foreshore, what they liked and disliked about it before actually developing the masterplan
    • A letter was sent to residents in April 2016 which included a hard copy of the opportunities and constraints plan, with an invitation to comment (either in person, via letter/email or Your Say page) within a four-week time period
    • Advertisements were placed in the Margaret River paper and the Pelican Post, with fliers placed on site (Flinders Foreshore) and at the Shire offices (including Augusta) in April 2016
    • An online survey was available on ‘Your Say’ which provided a digital forum for people to view and make comment on the Opportunities and Constraints plan
    • A full day face to face session was held at the Augusta offices in April 2016 where two planning staff spent the day meeting with locals who were invited to ‘drop in’ review material and have a chat about the process and the outcomes they wanted from it.
    • A meeting and subsequent workshop with the Flinders Bay Residents Association.